Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Remittance Advice: payment reference number - 673408


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Please find remittance advice attached.


Yours faithfully,


Accounts Department





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From: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk>
Sent: 08 July 2020 15:02
To: Nicola Roach <Nicola.Roach@vale-consultancy.co.uk>
Cc: Rachel Morgan <rachel.morgan@vale-consultancy.co.uk>
Subject: FW: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install




Can you pay the planning fee for Mite please, with our cards

The application number is 20/0593/10


Details to pay are on the email attached, we will then get an order raised from Mitie to cover it!

Kind regards,

Jon Mathias


01656 863794


P Please consider the environment - only print this email if absolutely necessary


From: Jon Mathias 
Sent: 08 July 2020 14:43
To: Yearsley, Dale <Dale.Yearsley@ge.com>; Jenny Williams <Jenny.Williams@mitie.com>
Subject: FW: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install




Application number for the planning fees payment, following my email last week!


Kind regards,

Jon Mathias


01656 863794


P Please consider the environment - only print this email if absolutely necessary


From: Howard, Giles <Giles.Howard@rctcbc.gov.uk
Sent: 08 July 2020 13:15
To: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Hi Jon,


Sorry for the delay, I’ve just had a look to see where this has got to. The application number is 20/0593/10 if you want to quote that number for the payment.


Many thanks, Giles


From: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk
Sent: 30 June 2020 12:44
To: Howard, Giles <Giles.Howard@rctcbc.gov.uk>
Subject: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Thanks Giles,


Will there be a reference number for the payment, obviously usually get that when I submit online, but not done yet/ do I need to that as well?


Kind regards,

Jon Mathias


01656 863794


P Please consider the environment - only print this email if absolutely necessary


From: Howard, Giles <Giles.Howard@rctcbc.gov.uk
Sent: 30 June 2020 12:01
To: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Hi Jon,


Thanks for the email, I’ll pass this on for the file to be made up.


The fee can be paid online, as per the attached. Alternative planning services should be able to take a card payment by phone on 01443 281134/281135.


Any questions please drop me a line.


Kind regards, Giles


From: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk
Sent: 30 June 2020 11:52
To: Howard, Giles <Giles.Howard@rctcbc.gov.uk>
Cc: Yearsley, Dale <Dale.Yearsley@ge.com>; Grose, Jamie (GE Aviation) <Jamie.Grose@ge.com>
Subject: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Hi Giles,


Please see attached our application  as requested below following your initial review of the project.


Attached is the following:

Planning application form

CIL Form

Design statement

Location plan

Block plan

Existing elevations/section

Proposed elevations/section

Specialist suppliers drawings, process materials & data sheet for emissions.

Existing stack/ roof Photographs


We have set the fee under plant and machinery as requested based on the new cleaning bay area of 480m2.

If you have any further queries or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Jon Mathias


01656 863794


P Please consider the environment - only print this email if absolutely necessary


From: Howard, Giles <Giles.Howard@rctcbc.gov.uk
Sent: 30 June 2020 08:03
To: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Good morning Jon, I don’t see why that wouldn’t be acceptable! Many thanks, Giles


From: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk
Sent: 29 June 2020 22:23
To: Howard, Giles <Giles.Howard@rctcbc.gov.uk>
Cc: Yearsley, Dale <Dale.Yearsley@ge.com>
Subject: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Hi Giles,


Thanks for the information below, can I just clarify the location plan and the red line request and blue line border?

I have put the redline around the unit/building in question and blue line around site boundary?

Could you confirm please?

Kind regards,

Jon Mathias


01656 863794


P Please consider the environment - only print this email if absolutely necessary


From: Howard, Giles <Giles.Howard@rctcbc.gov.uk
Sent: 22 May 2020 15:17
To: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Hi Jon,


Thanks for the email. I’m fine thanks and hope you are too, but working from home has taken some getting used to.


I’ve had a look at the attachments and wondered whether the replacement stack would come within the scope of Part 8 Class A of the GPDO. I’ve checked the regs and whilst it might be able to satisfy the criteria of A.1 (a-g) I think it would fall foul of the highlighted condition below:



A.2 Development is permitted by Class A subject to the following conditions—

(a) the development must be within the curtilage of an existing industrial building or warehouse;

(b) any building as erected, extended, or altered may only be used—

(i) in the case of an industrial building, for the carrying out of an industrial process for the purposes of the undertaking, for research and development of products or processes, or the provision of employee facilities ancillary to the undertaking;

(ii) in the case of a warehouse, for storage or distribution for the purposes of the undertaking or the provision of employee facilities ancillary to the undertaking;

(c) no building as erected, extended or altered may be used to provide employee facilities—

(i) between 7.00 pm and 6.30 am, for employees other than those present at the premises of the undertaking for the purpose of their employment, or

(ii) at all, if a notifiable quantity of a hazardous substance is present at the premises of the undertaking;

(d) any new building erected must, in the case of article 1(5) land or land within a World Heritage Site, be constructed using materials which have a similar external appearance to those used for the existing industrial building or warehouse; and

(e) any extension or alteration must, in the case of article 1(5) land or land within a World Heritage Site, be constructed using materials which have a similar external appearance to those used for the building being extended or altered.


Therefore I think a straightforward planning application would be required with:


·         App form

·         CIL form

·         Site Location plan (draw the red line area tight, rest of the site lined in blue)

·         Block Plan

·         Elevations of old and new stack

·         Brief statement so consultees will know what the stack will emit

·         Any other supporting info, e.g. like the photographs you have supplied


As you know, In terms of the fee, this would be under ‘plant and machinery’.


I hope this helps, but don’t hesitate to come back to me.


All the best, Giles



From: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk
Sent: 21 May 2020 21:51
To: Howard, Giles <Giles.Howard@rctcbc.gov.uk>
Subject: FW: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Hi Giles


Hope you are all well.

GE has asked me to laise with you regarding any requirements for planning, regarding a new stack replacing the old one due to a relocation of the boiler.

The old stack is the forefront of my photo and noted on the plan below. The new location is also shown below about 20m along the roof.

The stack is 8.5m high, similar height of the existing, but due to it being further in board the building unlikely to be seen by any residents/highway.





If you have any queries please call my mobile 07810128032


Kind regards,

Jon Mathias


01656 863794


P Please consider the environment - only print this email if absolutely necessary


From: Yearsley, Dale <Dale.Yearsley@ge.com
Sent: 21 May 2020 13:26
To: Jon Mathias <jon.mathias@vale-consultancy.co.uk>
Subject: FW: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install




From: Vic Delveir <v.delveir@sfeuk.com
Sent: 15 May 2020 10:00
To: Yearsley, Dale <
Dale.Yearsley@ge.com>; Grose, Jamie (GE Aviation) <Jamie.Grose@ge.com>
Cc: Watt, John (GE Aviation) <
john.watt@ge.com>; Neil Vaughan <N.Vaughan@sfeuk.com>; Terry Dalvair <t.dalvair@sfeuk.com>
Subject: EXT: FW: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Dear Dale


Please see the revised layout of the scrubber which we feel is the best place, putting new boiler system in this position allows us to move the scrubber/stack into the room an additional 2.5m, hopefully this enables us to keep orientation as we would likealso it keeps the new and temp pipework to a minimum. 


As discussed we want to keep the fan/stack closest to the outside wall. For maintenance,  should it need to be replaced etc..


Once we have position fixed we can then look at the support frame dims for you Dale.


Please can you review the attached and confirm acceptance.





Vic Delveir

Business Development Director




Surface Finishing Engineering Ltd

Unit 16 Webner Industrial Estate

Ettingshall Road




Tel: 01902 409186

Mob: 07908 377786







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From: Yearsley, Dale <Dale.Yearsley@ge.com
Sent: Thursday, 14 May, 2020 12:48 PM
To: Neil Vaughan <
N.Vaughan@sfeuk.com>; Vic Delveir <v.delveir@sfeuk.com>; Terry Dalvair <t.dalvair@sfeuk.com>
Cc: Grose, Jamie (GE Aviation) <
Jamie.Grose@ge.com>; Watt, John (GE Aviation) <john.watt@ge.com>; John, Mark (GE Aviation) <mark.john1@ge.com>
Subject: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


HI Vic ,Neil


We will need to review the complete plantroom layout next week, at present the fan and stack position clash with a drainage gully and from the drawing there seems little/no space to set the ductwork. Also concerned there will be a narrow angle of wind brace support for the stack this close to the edge of the building

If we can reverse the complete scrubber system 180 including  boiler position we will have more tolerance for the fan stack to exit straight out, more fexabily on the tank side ductwork and the support framework/bracing will be easier to install.


I need more clarity on the support framework you require for the Stack  . Unable to open the Cad to check sizes can you add the info below to the PDF before I engage Vale for design.


Diameter between frame support, height of stack ,flange size if any required ,apertures ,fixing points ,height off roof to support frame, height of wind brace fixing points.








From: Neil Vaughan <N.Vaughan@sfeuk.com
Sent: 14 May 2020 10:29
To: Vic Delveir <
v.delveir@sfeuk.com>; Yearsley, Dale <Dale.Yearsley@ge.com>; Terry Dalvair <t.dalvair@sfeuk.com>
Cc: Grose, Jamie (GE Aviation) <
Jamie.Grose@ge.com>; Watt, John (GE Aviation) <john.watt@ge.com>; John, Mark (GE Aviation) <mark.john1@ge.com>
Subject: EXT: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install




Please see attached drawing, which answers most your points as below,,  other info will be confirmed during our visit next week.







From: Vic Delveir <v.delveir@sfeuk.com
Sent: 13 May 2020 11:28
To: Yearsley, Dale <
Dale.Yearsley@ge.com>; Terry Dalvair <t.dalvair@sfeuk.com>
Cc: Grose, Jamie (GE Aviation) <
Jamie.Grose@ge.com>; Watt, John (GE Aviation) <john.watt@ge.com>; John, Mark (GE Aviation) <mark.john1@ge.com>; Neil Vaughan <N.Vaughan@sfeuk.com>
Subject: RE: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Dear Dale


Thanks for the call this morning, we can clarify the points below for you, I will have a review with Neil and Terry and come back to you this afternoon.


We are planning to attend site next week Wednesday, I have sent you a list of attendees on an earlier email.




Vic Delveir

Business Development Director




Surface Finishing Engineering Ltd

Unit 16 Webner Industrial Estate

Ettingshall Road




Tel: 01902 409186

Mob: 07908 377786







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From: Yearsley, Dale <Dale.Yearsley@ge.com
Sent: Wednesday, 13 May, 2020 10:36 AM
To: Vic Delveir <
v.delveir@sfeuk.com>; Terry Dalvair <t.dalvair@sfeuk.com>
Cc: Grose, Jamie (GE Aviation) <
Jamie.Grose@ge.com>; Watt, John (GE Aviation) <john.watt@ge.com>; John, Mark (GE Aviation) <mark.john1@ge.com>
Subject: Plantroom works, scrubber and boiler install


Hi Vic

Ref our earlier telecom ,


·         Can you provide side elevation drawing of scrubber unit ref height measurements

·         Can you provide side elevation drawing of scrubber and fan ductwork routeing

·         Can you confirm filled weight of scrubber -14 or 19tons

·         Can you confirm power /water/drainage requirements for new scrubber

·         Can you confirm if existing Wanson boiler plant will restrict build access for the new scrubber [Require new boiler running prior to removal of existing]

·         New wanson boiler equipment to linked via temporary pipework to existing system to allow removal of existing plant

·         Can the new wanson boiler control panel be relocated to opposite wall shown on drawing [Access to new plantroom required at panel position]

·         Can you confirm ductwork spec [PVC, POLYPROP ,STAINLESS, GALV]?


Items to review at meeting

·         2m ductwork routeing off Fan [at present clashes with roof drainage system]

·         Position of existing water break tank

·         Loading Access to plantroom


Let me know names and dates to book in for next weeks visit







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Croesawn ohebu yn Gymraeg a fydd gohebu yn y Gymraeg ddim yn arwain at oedi. Rhowch wybod inni beth yw'ch dewis iaith e.e. Cymraeg neu'n ddwyieithog

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Croesawn ohebu yn Gymraeg a fydd gohebu yn y Gymraeg ddim yn arwain at oedi. Rhowch wybod inni beth yw'ch dewis iaith e.e. Cymraeg neu'n ddwyieithog

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Croesawn ohebu yn Gymraeg a fydd gohebu yn y Gymraeg ddim yn arwain at oedi. Rhowch wybod inni beth yw'ch dewis iaith e.e. Cymraeg neu'n ddwyieithog

Mae'r neges ar gyfer y person / pobl enwedig yn unig. Gall gynnwys gwybodaeth bersonol, sensitif neu gyfrinachol. Os nad chi yw'r person a enwyd (neu os nad oes gyda chi’r awdurdod i'w derbyn ar ran y person a enwyd) chewch chi ddim ei chopïo neu’i defnyddio, neu'i datgelu i berson arall. Os ydych chi wedi derbyn y neges ar gam, rhowch wybod i'r sawl sy wedi anfon y neges ar unwaith. Mae'n bosibl y bydd holl negeseuon yn cael eu cofnodi a/neu fonitro unol â’r ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol. I ddarllen yr ymwadiad llawn, ewch i http://www.rctcbc.gov.uk/ymwadiad

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Tuesday, 30 June 2020

FW: Transaction Advice / 6842ST8945237500 / GSTU683896624


From: DBSeAdvice@dbs.com <DBSeAdvice@dbs.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 8:52 AM
To: asibrahim32.rightway@blogger.com

Subject: Transaction Advice / 6842ST8945237500 / GSTU683896624


Dear customer,


We are pleased to attach your Payment advice with this email, based on the request from the sender to keep you informed.

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DBS Bank Ltd













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Thursday, 4 June 2020

FW: Transaction Advice / 0016RF0020407228 / DBSS202000655


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Sunday, 17 May 2020

PRM Waste Systems Ltd Rmt1805


Good day,


Enclosed is your report.


Kind regards




Helen Moore

PRM Waste Systems Ltd



Tel: 01823 665541

Website: www.prmwastesystems.com   


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